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Become A Member
We're excited to welcome to you to the CBSR Family, and we can't wait to get connected with you. Here at Church By the Side of the Road, we recognize everyone who trusts in Christ alone for their salvation as a member of the Body of Christ.
If you're interested in becoming a member, please join us at the Welcome to CBSR Class!
Welcome to CBSR
Christian Education Class
Sundays @ 9:15am
This class is for you if:
You are new to CBSR (Church By the Side of the Road)
You are a long-time attendee and would like to know more about your church family.
You would like to hear what we believe about the main doctrines of the faith.
You are wondering how the church government and/or membership works.
You are interested in becoming a voting member of CBSR.
Please email to register!
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