The Church by the Side of the Road
The Church By the Side of the Road unofficially began its existence as a Riverton Heights Community Sunday school. A group of believers felt the need of having a Sunday school for their children. Since there were no churches in the immediate area, they contacted the local school board and received permission to use the Thorndyke Elementary School.
While the Sunday school increased in size a group of parents was drawn to attend some special, Christian, tent meetings held by Dr. Price in the downtown area of Seattle. The year was 1924. During those special meetings, all of the adults had a powerful encounter with the living God and returned to their homes with a burning desire to incorporate their Sunday school into an official church that could touch the lives of others as their lives had been touched.
Hanna Goranson agreed to deed some property on the new Pacific Highway if the city was willing to extend South 148 Street through from Military Road to the new highway. The city agreed and the plans for a little church by the side of the road were born.
Knowing that they would be the only church in the area the founding adults agreed to keep the little church independent and free from any denominational influence and in that way maintain an open door to everyone seeking a richer relationship with God.
God blessed their commitment, labor, and sacrificial giving and in 1933 the concept of a little church by the side of the road became an official reality.
For over eighty-five years this church has ministered to the spiritual needs of the community. Many young men and women have become missionaries and pastors. New churches have been planted locally and abroad. And most importantly of all, the same life-changing message is still being shared and lives are still be changed by the power of God.
The Timeline of Events
June 1933, The Little White Church By the Side of the Road was founded by Reverend and Mrs. Ralph Sanders.

After the many long hours of donated time which saved the church thousands of dollars and cur down construction time considerably. In March 1962. the new sanctuary was ready for occupancy for a total cost of approx. $80,000; $13,000. which was for the pews.

1954-1963 LAND
Hanna Gorenson donates her land to CBSR making it possible to build 16,00 square foot educational and administrative building.

CBSR started their remodel project during the summer of 2001 with Hansel Construction, Inc. What started as a small project to add a "Friendship corner" to the foyer grew to be a much bigger project. It overspent by $78,000. and additional fundraiser campaign raised $368,233 during the next 3 years.