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CBSR Missions
The Church By The Side of The Road has been actively involved in world missions for many years. Over the last 20 years, we have be particularly engaged in practical and spiritual ministry in Brazil, India and Malawi.
Matthew 28:19 Go into the world making disciples, baptizing and teaching
It gives a promise: Jesus states He will be with us always
No less than 47 countries have been impacted over the 80 plus years of CBSR's mission outreach.
Assisting with crop production, baby formula saving 3,000 babies.
Connected Malawi & Mozambique with Brazil pastors, securing Bibles for local
Pastors, assisting with farming & irrigation techniques. Our goal in 2023 is to support a Brazilian Pastor to work with three local Malawi Pastors.
What started with one Missionary couple traveling to Brazil in 1933 has grown a
denomination of over 300 churches.
Our focus now: Co-laborers with our Brazilian brothers & sisters with sending a
missionary couple to work with local Malawian pastors.
Pastor Proctor has a passion to engage with the India church we support
We support local youth ministry, Local Y, Making disciples, fulfilling the Great Commission, Evangelizing, Prayer, Worship, caring for the oppressed. That's what we have done and we continue the Work
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