Our Church Values
We value the Bible and seek to live and teach its truths.
We value the Church as God's chosen instrument through which He demonstrates His love to the world.
We value Praise and Worship because God is worthy.
We value Prayer and seek to incorporate it into all areas of church life.
We value the Gospel of Jesus Christ as central in all expressions of ministry.
We value the ministry of the Holy Spirit and yield to His instruction and guidance.
We value the Fruit of the Spirit as evidence of the presence of God's Spirit.
We value the Gifts of the Spirit and will endeavor to accommodate their development and usage.
We value the Advancement of God's Kingdom and will always seek ways to expand it.
We value the Christian Family and will seek ways to strengthen it.

We value Children and Youth who have come to believe, as an integral part of the Church of today, as well as tomorrow.
We value Christian Education and constantly strive to improve and advance it.
We value Fellowship and endeavor to foster it through ministry to others.
We value All People as created in the image of God and will reach out and minister to everyone, irrespective of socio-economic class, ethnicity, ability, demeanor, or background.
We value Stewardship and constantly teach and encourage the giving of ourselves and our resources for the glory of God.
We value Mentoring as God's method of reaching and teaching.
We value Mercy and, were we to err in a decision, choose to err on the side of mercy.
We value a spirit of Cooperation with other Christ-centered churches and ministries.